christian spiritual

2015: A Year of New Beginnings

Firstly A Very Happy New Year To all my Friends and Followers of the Blog Here.

Happy and Blessed 2015!!

God has been really faithful and gracious to all of us that he sustained us to see another Good Year in his Kingdom. Praise and Thank God for all that he has been. I would like to write a short Blog post with the word for this Month.

2015 : This is a year of New Beginnings. A fresh Start is what i would say. All these years of struggle or pain or awaiting for anything in your life God is gonna bring REST to all that Striving. He is opening a NEW DOOR in a New Way to start off Afresh.

15 symbolizes New, Harvest,Rest from Burden/Sin, a Feasting Number.

To specifically write this post, i would like to tell all you readers out there that the Shift already took place in the atmosphere.It often happens to me that i woke up at 1:14am in the Morning on 31st dec 2014. And as i woke up i could sense something and i was reminded of something very significant. The significance part of that which was reminded, was to give me an assurance as to the shift that has just happened in the atmosphere.

The Spirit realm is gearing up for a Feast with the Lord. A Feast that the Lord has prepared for us this Year. The promise for the year that God has given is Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He is Preparing a Feast for all of us, a table before our enemies. 


That enemy that we might be tired of fighting or even running from, a Sin/burden that has eaten up all our time and energy, A breakthrough that we have been waiting for. God is giving us Rest from all of it and not just that he is rewarding us with a New thing instead of all the crap that the enemy had thrown at us. He Has Prepared a table before all our enemies – a mark of His love and his Seal that we Belong to Him and He is the one who rules our life. Nobody else have the authority over us but just HIM ALONE.


So Dear readers, i encourage all of you to just gear up and be of Good cheer. Let us all walk forward with deeper levels of Intimacy with God and a prayer filled year ahead. Stay Blessed!!!

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