Guest posts · Sangathya

A Call to the WATCHMEN

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed… “ ~Romans 8:19

Earth is longing for answers. The creation waits for His will to manifest on Earth.  We as his children wait for answers to our many prayers each day. Waiting is a very crucial part of every Christian’s Spiritual Life. In this process of waiting and enduring storm, pain and Loss – We need to know that we are in Labor pains ready to birth the things of Joy that God promised us. The things of Joy can be referred to as blessings, breakthroughs, promotions, favor, health, healing and Salvation. Sometimes the process can be tiresome but always know that He is with us in every step of it. Everything He allows in our life is for a purpose. Nothing comes in and out without a proper reason. You will be tested by fire so that when you come out He can see His Image in you.

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