christian spiritual

The Sibling F’s

Hello people of God. Hope and trust all is well with you. The entire world is going through a rough season battling uncertainties of life, but we believe God is still in control of everything in our life and is more than capable to sustain us through these times . There is a specific word I’d like to share with you today which is certainly not anything about Covid19 but that his spirit has imprinted on me this season.

The title ‘The siblings’ is about the two ‘F’ s that are close knit and are meant to be together like twins. These two not only are a mandate to follow as Christians but also will lead you through the path to success. They are Forgive & Forget. We are taught to forgive many a times as Christians but there is something you need to ask God about the second.

My mother happened to share with me an experience she had in her childhood about how she was hurt and it’s impact on her mindset. As a result even though she doesn’t feel the pain she had once, she still remembers the incident today. That caused her anxiety and sadness thinking about why it happened the way it happened. When we were having a conversation I was prompted in my spirit that we certainly ask God to help us forgive people but we miss on asking God to help us forget the incident. Im going to take you quickly through this as to why we need to do it and the way it works.

When we ask God to forgive the person who hurt us , we naturally over the time get healed doing it. But if you still remember the situation even though you don’t have hate towards the person, that means it is still lingering in your life which is an unwanted trace of a bitter root. The danger with that is, it not only affects you over the time even though u don’t acknowledge it but lets the root grow which may show up at a time you won’t be expecting. And of course the main purpose of asking forgiveness is so that you don’t hold on to anything that is a negative seed in your life but that’s not complete until you forget it. In other words you are still holding on to it in some other form if you are not able to forget it.

forgive & forget

That must be one of the reasons why His Spirit prompted me about forgiveness going hand in hand with forgetting . Cause the danger as mentioned earlier does not only block your path towards attaining spiritual heights but may leave you in a battle you don’t need to fight. We will then end up going round in circles figuring out things when we are supposed to attain newer heights. This is a tactic of the enemy deviating us and getting us caught up in something which is not worth the time. Hence I urge you dear people of God, if you have not done this before ask God today to help you forget all the bitter roots in your life. If you have already forgiven people related , pray that the Holy Spirit helps you forget so that you are completely free from all those unwanted traces. Selah

I encourage you dear readers, forgive & forget. May God lead you through the process as you pray and ponder upon this writing . Stay Blessed!